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About Product:

Vatsan's Toor Dal is a nutritious legume that has been cultivated in India for over 3500 years. It is a primary protein source for vegetarians and has a thicker consistency than moong or masoor dal when cooked. Toor dal is enriched with dietary fiber and contains low levels of fat, making it beneficial for weight management. It is also rich in folic acid, which is essential for the development of red blood cells and highly recommended for pregnant women to nourish the fetus. The iron and folate in toor dal help cure iron deficiency anemia and boost iron levels in the body.

Why Choose this brand?

Vatsan's product stands out for its commitment to quality. They meticulously select organic ingredients and employ sustainable practices. Their products are processed with care to retain nutritional value. With secure packaging and reliable delivery, Vatsan's product ensures a premium experience, making it the preferred choice for health-conscious consumers.

Product Nutrition Facts


Nutritional Values per 100g


187 kcal









Product Benefits

  • High protein content: Toor dal is a rich source of protein, making it an excellent choice for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Rich in fiber: It is high in dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting a healthy gut.
  • Low in fat: Toor dal is low in fat, making it a good option for weight management.
  • Packed with nutrients: It is a good source of iron, potassium, and other essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Versatile: Toor dal can be used in a variety of dishes, from soups and stews to curries and salads, adding flavor and nutrition to your meals.


How do I cook toor dal? 

To cook toor dal, rinse it thoroughly, then add it to a pot with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until tender, stirring occasionally.

How long does it take to cook toor dal? 

Cooking time can vary but generally takes about 20-30 minutes on the stovetop, or 5-10 minutes in a pressure cooker.

Can I soak toor dal before cooking? 

Yes, soaking toor dal for a few hours or overnight can help reduce cooking time and improve digestibility.

What dishes can I make with toor dal? 

Toor dal is commonly used to make dal (lentil soup), sambar, rasam, and various curries in Indian cuisine. It can also be used in salads and rice dishes.

Is toor dal nutritious? 

Yes, toor dal is highly nutritious, rich in protein, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals. It is a healthy addition to a balanced diet.